So this shall be my lil' update about the detox. Monday night I ended up snacking on snap peas, and eating oatmeal for dinner full of nuts and blueberries. It was a fun evening though, Ben and I went over to my sister Stacy's house for a good o'le game night! We tried a new game called "Things" and I have to say it's pretty entertaining. It is more fun with more people though, we only had four and a half (a cute little nephew of mine named Drake). Overall on monday, I was really hungry. My sister said she was the same way once she gave up gluten, we figured that was most likely the cause of my chronic hunger ha. Then towards the end of the day gradually a headache began to emerge from having no caffeine. As the days go on I am honestly not missing my Starbucks dry soy cappuccino, but I am missing my daily coffee in the morning and evenings with my mum. The smell, the warmth, the comfort. Coffee is one of the most relaxing foods known to man. In my opinion...

Green Smoothie
Serves 2
1 cup kale firmly packed, stems removed and coarsely chopped
1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
1 Granny Smith apple, cored and coarsely chopped
1 large ripe banana coarsely chopped
2 1/4 cups water
Blend all ingredients together, add more water if too thick.
About 113 calories per serving
Overall tuesday was a greeeattt day! I woke up with a cup of hot water and lemon, spent time with God, ran, cleaned, gardened and worked. I have to admit I felt pretty accomplished. And on top of that I noticed I had a good amount of energy!
Yesterday I worked all day, and missed exercise, but i stuck with the diet the best I could. I noticed I have been drinking more caffeine-free tea as a means to hold me over without my coffee. Infact, I treated myself to a chamomile tea with steamed almond milk at a local coffee shop. Deeeliicious! While I was hanging out in SLO with my man the clock struck ten and my stomach started to rumble... This wasn't a good sign because I get a bit.. well...grumpy, when I am hungry. So he insisted I eat, and at that hour my healthiest choice, with no other options, was Chipotle. I was able to avoid all allergens but soy. : (
Yesterday I worked all day, and missed exercise, but i stuck with the diet the best I could. I noticed I have been drinking more caffeine-free tea as a means to hold me over without my coffee. Infact, I treated myself to a chamomile tea with steamed almond milk at a local coffee shop. Deeeliicious! While I was hanging out in SLO with my man the clock struck ten and my stomach started to rumble... This wasn't a good sign because I get a bit.. well...grumpy, when I am hungry. So he insisted I eat, and at that hour my healthiest choice, with no other options, was Chipotle. I was able to avoid all allergens but soy. : (
Today I had some more oatmeal, an apple, a pear, handful of walnuts, and a new vegan protein bar I came across at the health food store. It was surprisingly really good and packed with 11 grams of protein and free from gluten, dairy, soy and added sugars! I'd say it's a winner! hah
Also after finding this new probiotic in one of my magazines, I ordered it last week and was able to pick it up today. I'm really excited about it, it's free from soy, milk, eggs, corn, wheat, gluten, preservatives and artificial flavors! Plus it's once a day and the pills are a good size, not that ordinary "horse pill". So now all I have to do is test it out and tell you fellow people the verdict!
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