Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food | Video on TED.com

Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food | Video on TED.com

Jamie has a very inspirational message in his speech that I believe we should all take heart to and pursue out this profound issue in the lives of Americans!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4

                 So this shall be my lil' update about the detox. Monday night I ended up snacking on snap peas, and eating oatmeal for dinner full of nuts and blueberries. It was a fun evening though, Ben and I went over to my sister Stacy's house for a good o'le game night! We tried a new game called "Things" and I have to say it's pretty entertaining. It is more fun with more people though, we only had four and a half (a cute little nephew of mine named Drake).  Overall on monday,  I was really hungry. My sister said she was the same way once she gave up gluten, we figured that was most likely the cause of my chronic hunger ha. Then towards the end of the day gradually a headache began to emerge from having no caffeine. As the days go on I am honestly not missing my Starbucks dry soy cappuccino, but I am missing my daily coffee in the morning and evenings with my mum. The smell, the warmth, the comfort. Coffee is one of the most relaxing foods known to man. In my opinion... 

Any-who, Tuesday I was on a role, in the morning I busted out this green smoothie right after my run. 

 Green Smoothie
Serves 2

1 cup kale firmly packed, stems removed and coarsely chopped
1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
1 Granny Smith apple, cored and coarsely chopped
1 large ripe banana coarsely chopped
2 1/4 cups water

Blend all ingredients together, add more water if too thick. 
About 113 calories per serving

Overall tuesday was a greeeattt day! I woke up with a cup of hot water and lemon, spent time with God, ran, cleaned, gardened and worked. I have to admit I felt pretty accomplished. And on top of that I noticed I had a good amount of energy! 

Yesterday I worked all day, and missed exercise, but i stuck with the diet the best I could. I noticed I have been drinking more caffeine-free tea as a means to hold me over without my coffee. Infact, I treated myself to a chamomile tea with steamed almond milk at a local coffee shop. Deeeliicious! While I was hanging out in SLO with my man the clock struck ten and my stomach started to rumble... This wasn't a good sign because I get a bit.. well...grumpy, when I am hungry. So he insisted I eat, and at that hour my healthiest choice, with no other options, was Chipotle. I was able to avoid all allergens but soy. : (

Today I had some more oatmeal, an apple, a pear, handful of walnuts, and a new vegan protein bar I came across at the health food store. It was surprisingly really good and packed with 11 grams of protein and free from gluten, dairy, soy and added sugars! I'd say it's a winner! hah 
Also after finding this new probiotic in one of my magazines, I ordered it last week and was able to pick it up today. I'm really excited about it, it's free from soy, milk, eggs, corn, wheat, gluten, preservatives and artificial flavors! Plus it's once a day and the pills are a good size, not that ordinary "horse pill". So now all I have to do is test it out and tell you fellow people the verdict! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Detox Week 1, Day 1

      So today is the first day of my rejuvenating cleansing diet. I've decided to keep it as more of a "rejuvenating" diet rather than a detox in hopes that I will be less likely to stray away. It is a four week diet that gradually progresses.

This first week consists of many 'detox don'ts'... 

  • no processed foods
  • no added sugars ( a little agave/ maple syrup is okay)
  • no high concentrated fruit juices
  • no eggs
  • no dairy
  • no gluten/wheat
  • no corn
  • no soy
  • no alcohol
  • no caffeine
       So it may sound like a loooot to cut out, but keep in mind that since I am vegan dairy and eggs are already ruled out. Oh, and alcohol as well since I'm under age. I hardly consume processed foods and try my hardest not to add sugar to things, so that is the least of my worries. But I am a tad stressed on no caffeine, no soy, and no gluten. Personally, I am one of those coffee lovers. I drink it daily, multiple times a day, and when I'm not drinking it I'm sipping ice tea. Caffeine is consistent throughout my day. Soy on the other hand is in nearly every product known to man, but this shouldn't be super hard since it is mostly in processed foods. Lastly, gluten, I've been eating more whole wheat bread/tortillas/cereals and such to keep my carbs up and to help with protein so now I have the challenges of trying other grains. 

Day 1

10:00am Breakfast:1/2 grapefruit
                               Steelcut oats w/ blueberries, coconut, sunflower seeds, almond milk

1:00 pm Snack1:    1 kiwi & small handful of grapes

2:00 pm Snack 2:   Tiny salad w/ greens, white beans, tomato, cucumber, balsamic vinegar
                              Green Beans with quinoa

4:00 pm Lunch:     Salad w/ greens, roasted bell pepper, pepitas, mixed beans, and a bulger salad- (New Frontiers)

5:30 pm Snack 3:   Brown rice cake with almond butter

(these last two I'm guessing on since it's about six now heh)
7:00 pm Dinner:     Butternut squash and mushrooms soup

9:00 pm Snack 4:  (2) Gluten free-vegan muffins!   : )          
                 My guess is that this is probably toooo much food for a detox... but I eat a lot! I may be a little gal but I can sure pack it! hah Does anyone have any recommendations to improve this detox?? I really want some change but not sure if it's going to happen. Let me know if anyone wants to try it as well! Here is the link for all the information you'd need about your Detox!

Joe Ben skating away in Cayucos

A little Christmas Giving

 This holiday season I wanted to be "practical" and save some money on all the gifts I planned on purchasing. So in my game plan, I concluded on making a small assortment of different cookies and giving them to friends and family. This sounds like a good idea, no? I had been pondering, and trying to creatively conduct a unique combination of holiday favorites. I came up with Hazelnut Fig drizzled with chocolate (what is in the pictures above), Gingerbread dipped in white chocolate, and Infused Pomegranate Dark chocolate cookies. The hardest one for me to figure out was the pomegranate cookie. I had no idea of how to get that beautiful pomegranate flavor into a chocolate cookie. I tried two ways, one just pomegranate juice and the other a pomegranate molasses. I would try this cookie again with a better molasses. I tried to make my own and it didn't work out too well for me... The gingerbread on the other hand was DELICIOUS! I believe it was my favorite. Although the white chocolate part is not vegan the whole cookie was. It had a bright ginger flavor with a texture right below that of a typical crunch cookie. blissful. The hazelnut and fig was my favorite to try and figure out. It was really nice and chewy and good flavor. Next time i'll add more fig to the recipe in bigger sizes and maybe some hazelnut extract? Overall it was not truly time saver. I ended up spending allllllll night in the kitchen, up till two a.m. baking cookies! But it was fun! 
Pomegranate Chocolate Cookies
( I only used half the recipe which will yield 2 dozen cookies)

3 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup packed light brown sugar

1 cup earth balance
1/2 cup applesauce
1 tbls vanilla
1/4 cup pomegranate molasses

1 12oz bag dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds ( optional)

Line cookie trays with parchment paper.
Mix your dry ingredients together in one bowl.
In a second bowl mix together wet ingredients.
Begin adding the flour mixture to the wet ingredients. Mixing thoroughly as you go.
When the cookie dough consistency is formed, fold in chocolate chips and pomegranates.
Let the dough sit in the fridge for one hour.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Place two tablespoons of dough on your cookie trays about two inches apart, flatten a bit with the bottom of a greased/floured glass.
Bake for 8-10 minutes and let cook before eating!

Ginger Cookies

4 tblsp raw sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves

1/2 tsp canola oil
1/4 cup molasses
1/4 cup almond milk
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla

preheat oven to 350 degrees F
Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper
Place raw sugar in a bowl.

Sift together dry ingredients.
In a mixing bowl, mix together the wet ingredients.
Them pour flour mixture into mixing bowl and combine well.

Roll into 1-inch balls and flatten. Place into the raw sugar and line on the cookie trays.
Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Hazelnut Fig Cookies

1 cup hazelnut butter
1/2 cup earth balance softened
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1.4 cup applesauce
1/2 tsp vanilla (hazelnut) extract

1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 tsp cup hazelnuts (optional) 

2 cups semi sweet chocolate
2 tblsp earth balance

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
In a large bowl beat together hazelnut butter, brown sugar, and sugar until creamy, then add applesauce and vanilla.
In a second bowl combine the dry ingredients, add chopped hazelnuts.
Add flour mixture to wet ingredients. 
Cover and refriderate for 30 minutes.
Roll into balls the size of golf balls, roll into sugar and place on cookie sheet.
Bake for 10-12 minutes

Next heat the chocolate in a saucepan  over low heat, as it melts add the earth balance.
Next dip cooled cookies into chocolate, dust with hazelnut pieces and let settle in the fridge on wax paper.