Beautifully Connected and Bound
My fellow coworker and her fiance Lee are to be wed this coming Friday! I'm so very excited for them two! This whole marriage thing has really been getting me thinking... I'm wondering about when I would want my wedding, what colors, what location, what photographer, what food, what cake and soooo much more! Would I want it next to a holiday, even though I love the fall? Would it be indoors or outdoors? Can I have Jose Villa, please? Vegan or non-vegan? Far tooooo many decisions for me at this age in my life. But I admire her sensibilty and calm spirit. She has been working this weekend and yet looks completely unfrazzled, or anxious, I'm amazed at this women's balanced emotions! I know for sure that I would frazzled consistently through the entire process, being a terrible decision maker does not help a bit. But I decided to bake the lady a dark-chocolate lavender & cardamon tarte Inspired By to soothe any last minute emotions that may arise.
While this tarte isn't vegan, it is gorgeous. I would have preferred to have cooked it in a long tarte pan like the original so it could be cut and wrapped individually but it was still very pretty with the home made cardamon and lemon crust. I adore this ladies blog, entitled "Desserts for Breakfast", her use of flavors and spiced really pair well with one another and enhance each other. Plus, her pictures are beeeauuuutiful and that wins me over right there! But, continuing on, I wrapped it in a white box, tied it with very fall festive colored fabric that i tore into strips and tied around into a bow, and then a bundle of dried lavender from the farmers market. It was a splendid way to spend foggy cold evening inside.
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